Despre Gabriela Matei Photography
Trust & Connection
For the past seven years of my life I have photographed people. To me it’s an important act of mutual trust, connection and understanding. Every time I use my camera, I search for and celebrate love, kindness, friendship, compassion & creativity. And not only those things but everything which defines us as human.
Love, kindness & compassion
Like so many people, I’m not completely comfortable when a camera is pointed in my direction, I suddenly become aware of my expression, my movements, I wonder what to do with my hands and inevitably I put on the “photo face” (we all have one!). A familiar feeling, right! That’s why my approach on your wedding day is to capture real moments as they unfold;
completely un-posed, fun, relaxed and beautiful!
Understanding & Friendship
Your wedding day will be a mixture of all sort of emotions. You have said ‘yes’ to a future with the love of your life; it’s a day you will hug friends and family close, and they may have travelled a long way to be with you to celebrate. I want to capture all of these moments for you; the happy smiles, the emotional tears and the joy and laughter (and of course those crazy dance floor moments!), to record real memories that you will both value and cherish for years to come.
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Scrie-i Gabrielei
Despre Gabriela in WEDMAG

Wedding Stories - Fotografie de nunta din Romania
In fiecare an in Cluj-Napoca are loc Photo Romania Festival, cel mai mare festival de fotografie din Romania. Cu o lista impresionanta de evenimente dedicate artei fotografice, Photo Romania Festival devine o adevarata Mecca a fotografilor.

Un super-workshop pentru fotografii de nunta
Dupa ce anul trecut in luna iunie a avut loc WEDDCAMP – o conferinta de fotografie de nunta cu participare internationala, anul acesta echipa organizatoare ridica stacheta si pregateste pentru fotografii de nunta o serie de evenimente educationale de top!

WEDDCAMP 2016 – Fotografii de nunta merg la conferinta!
Fotografia de nunta din Romania s-a schimbat muuult de tot in ultimi ani, asta e clar! In bine :) Nu ca era rau inainte, insa a crescut numarul fotografilor buni, numarul portofoliilor care se pot “bate” oricand cu portofoliile fotografilor cunoscuti de pe alte meleaguri.